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Support Group


Friends care about each other which is why we've launched a 'Friends' support scheme.

If you'd like to support the AETF, please consider becoming a 'Friend.'


All Friends donations will be put into our Legacy Fund, which supports opting grass-roots teams who do not win through to an AETF Final with seminars or workshops, and with advice and learning on how to improve their productions and abilities.


We will also (if you request it) keep you updated with all that is happening in your area and further afield during the festival season.


If you would like to become a Friend of the AETF by supporting us financially, please make a payment using the link below. Any amount is acceptable, although ideally a regular yearly or monthly standing order would be wonderful; however, any one-off payment will also be gratefully accepted.



Should you prefer to make an anonymous online donation our bank details are as follows:

Account Name: AETF-England

Sort Code: 08 92 99Account: 65866085


Please quote ‘friend’ as a reference. Thank you for your Support!


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